Monday, March 7, 2011

Takeout Pizza, but it's Better

So, the Sig-O was out of town this weekend and I was forced to fend for myself (dun, dun, dun!) Normally, I'm gifted in the kitchen, but when forced to cook for just myself, well, that sucks. Seriously, cooking for one is not fun. So, I'm glad the Sig-O returns today so I can return to my gourmet cooking self. But, there was a bright side to my weekend search for food. I discovered Papa Murphy's pizza. I'd heard about their pizza before, and then I got a coupon for a free cookie dough from them when I got my car washed. Hello? free cookie dough? How can this place not be good?

Well, anyway, I went by on Saturday night and got the Papa's favorite (supreme). Word of warning - you cannot eat a slice of this pizza on the way home in the car. It is not cooked and that would be gross. So, you get home, throw that bad boy in the oven for about 15 minutes and, ta da! Fantastic pizza is ready and you even helped make it! So yes, I'm telling you about a take and bake pizza place, but it's worth it. Next time you've got a craving for good pizza, give it a try. I'm glad I did and it made pizza and a movie night much better. I'd just recommend having a date around because it's more fun to share somethign that good. Here's the site so you can find the one closest to you:

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